SOLIDA Mobile MERCHANDISERComponent that attends the Merchant processes in a decentralized manner with SD terminals. Making use of Smart Devices technology (Android / IOS), SOLIDAMobile Mechandiser offers the possibility of making surveys, measuring stock breaks, taking prices, selling prices (own and competition), planogram compliance at the point of sale. of exhibition of products, invasion of gondolas, POP material, etc. Standard Functionality• Start of the day.• Route of the day.• Georeferencing points of sale. Map.• Communications with the central system (message handling).• Entry of reasons for NO SURVEY.• Entry of reasons NOT VISIT.• Taking photos (with detail and georeferencing.).• Survey entry.• Attached documents (by point of sale, customer category, segmentation, etc.)• Planograms, trade agreements, etc.• Start and end of the task at each point of sale.• Progress indicators.• Web monitor tracking, configuration and reports.